Privacy policy Polish Herbs

Dear User!

We care about your privacy and want you to feel comfortable when using our services. Therefore, below we present the most important information about the principles of our processing of your personal data and cookies that are used by our Website. This information has been prepared taking into account the GDPR, i.e. the General Data Protection Regulation.


POLSKIE ZIOŁA SPÓŁKA Z OGRANICZONĄ ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚCIĄ, entered into the Central Registration and Information on Economic Activity kept by the minister responsible for economy and maintaining the Central Registration and Information on Economic Activity, NIP 9512289244, nr REGON 141943436, ul. — 32/—, 21-050 PIASKI WIELKIE, LUBELSKIE

If you wish to contact us regarding our processing of your personal data, please write to us at the following e-mail address:


You have the right to request:

  • access to your personal data, including obtaining a copy of your data (art. 15 RODO lub – if applicable – art. 13 ust. 1 lit. f RODO),
  • their corrections (art. 16 RODO),
  • deletion (art. 17 RODO),
  • processing restrictions (art. 18 RODO),
  • transferring data to another administrator (art. 20 RODO).

And also the law:

  • object to the processing of your data at any time:
  • for reasons related to your particular situation – to the processing of personal data concerning you, based on art. 6 ust. 1 lit. f RODO (tj. on our legitimate interests), including profiling (art. 21 ust. 1 RODO);
  • if personal data are processed for the purposes of direct marketing, including profiling, to the extent that the processing is related to such direct marketing (art. 21 ust. 2 RODO).

Please contact us if you wish to exercise your rights. You can object to our use of cookies (read about them below), in particular using appropriate browser settings.

If you believe that your data is being processed illegally, you can submit a complaint to the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.


Below you will find detailed information about the processing of your data depending on the actions you take.

1. Using free services offered on the Website

For what purpose?
implementation of the contract for the provision of services offered on the Website
On what basis?
service contract (Article 6(1)(b) GDPR)
For how long?
for the duration of the contract
furthermore, your data will be processed until the period in which claims can be pursued expires – by you or by us
(more information on this can be found in the last table of this section)
What happens if you don’t provide the data?
you will not be able to use our services

2. Contacting us (e.g., to ask a question)

For what purpose?
handling your inquiries or reports
On what basis?
contract or actions taken at your request prior to entering into a contract (Article 6(1)(b) GDPR) – if your inquiry or report concerns a contract to which we are or may be a party our legitimate interest in processing your data to communicate with you (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR) – if your inquiry or report is not related to a contract
For how long?
for the duration of the contract or – if the contract is not concluded –
until the period for pursuing claims expires – see the last table of this section*
until the period for pursuing claims expires – see the last table of this section –
or until we consider your objection to processing*
furthermore, your data will be processed until the period in which claims can be pursued expires – by you or by us
(more information on this can be found in the last table of this section)
What happens if you don’t provide the data?
we will not be able to respond to your inquiry or report

* depending on which occurs first and which is applicable in the given case

3. Browser settings or other similar actions allowing marketing activities

For what purpose?
direct marketing by displaying personalized ads
(more on this in the “Profiling” and “Cookies” sections of the Privacy Policy).
On what basis?
our legitimate interest in processing data for the above purpose (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR)
For how long?
until the expiration or deletion of cookies used for marketing purposes*
What happens if you don’t provide the data?
you will not receive product or service suggestions that may interest you

* depending on which occurs first and which is applicable in the given case

4. Browser settings or other similar actions allowing analytical activities

For what purpose?
analyzing how you use and navigate the Website to adapt the site to the needs and behavior of Users
(more on this in the “Analytical activities” and “Cookies” sections of the Privacy Policy)
On what basis?
our legitimate interest in processing data for the above purpose (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR)
For how long?
until the expiration or deletion of cookies used for analytical purposes*
What happens if you don’t provide the data?
your preferences regarding the use of the Website will not be considered in its development

* depending on which occurs first and which is applicable in the given case

5. Your consent to receive marketing content from us (e.g., information about special offers)

For what purpose?
sending marketing information, especially special offers
On what basis?
your consent to our marketing activities (Article 6(1)(a) GDPR)
For how long?
until you withdraw your consent – remember, you can withdraw your consent at any time. Data processing up to the moment you withdraw your consent remains lawful.
furthermore, your data will be processed until the period in which claims can be pursued expires – by you or by us
(more information on this can be found in the last table of this section)
What happens if you don’t provide the data?
you will not receive our marketing materials, including information about our special offers

6. Subscription to the newsletter

For what purpose?
sending the newsletter
On what basis?
contract for the provision of the newsletter service (Article 6(1)(b) GDPR)
For how long?
until you unsubscribe from our newsletter
furthermore, your data will be processed until the period in which claims can be pursued expires – by you or by us
(more information on this can be found in the last table of this section)
What happens if you don’t provide the data?
you will not be able to receive information about the Website and our services

7. Taking action or refraining from action that may give rise to claims related to the Website or our services

For what purpose?
establishing, pursuing, or defending possible claims related to the concluded contract or provided services
On what basis?
our legitimate interest in processing personal data for the above purpose (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR)
For how long?
until the statute of limitations for claims expires or until we consider your objection to processing*
What happens if you don’t provide the data?
it will not be possible to establish, pursue, or defend claims

* depending on which occurs first and which is applicable in the given case


If you decide to publish a comment, its content and your signature will be visible to other users of the Website.
We do not disclose your email address to other users unless you do so yourself.


We perform profiling within the Website – this will take place with respect to you if you allow such actions. Profiling involves the automatic assessment of which products or services you may be interested in, using information about the content you view. As a result, advertisements for products or services displayed within the online services you use will be more tailored to you and your needs.
The profiling we perform does not result in decisions that produce legal effects concerning you or similarly significantly affect you.


Within the Website, we conduct analytical activities to make the Website more intuitive and accessible – this will take place with respect to you if you allow such actions. In doing so, we will take into account the way you navigate the Website, for example, how much time you spend on a given subpage or which places on the Website you click on. This allows us to adjust the layout and appearance of the Website and the content posted on it to the needs of users.


When processing your personal data, we use organizational and technical measures in accordance with applicable law, including encryption of the connection using an SSL certificate.


Right to withdraw consent

You have the right to withdraw any consent you have given us.
Withdrawal of consent has effect from the moment of withdrawal. It does not affect the processing carried out by us in accordance with the law before its withdrawal. Likewise, it does not affect data processing carried out on another legal basis.

Right to object to the use of data

You have the right to object at any time to the use of your personal data, including profiling, if we process your data based on our legitimate interest, e.g., in connection with the use of analytical tools or the storage of cookies, and if we process your data for direct marketing purposes.
If you exercise this right – we will stop processing your data unless we can demonstrate that there are valid, legally justified grounds for us to process the data, which override your interests, rights, and freedoms, or your data is necessary for us to determine, assert, or defend claims.

Right to delete data (“right to be forgotten”)

You have the right to request the deletion of all or some of your data.
We will treat a request to delete all data as a request to anonymize the data, with the result that it will be impossible for us to reassign it to you in the future.

You have the right to request the deletion of your personal data if:

  • you have withdrawn a specific consent to the extent that personal data was processed based on your consent;
  • your personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or for which it was processed;
  • you have objected to the use of your data for marketing purposes;
  • you have objected to the use of your data for statistical purposes and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for us to continue processing your data;
  • your personal data is processed unlawfully;
  • your personal data must be deleted in order to comply with a legal obligation provided for in EU or Member State law to which we are subject;
  • your personal data has been collected in connection with the provision of electronic services offered to a child.

Right to restrict data processing

You have the right to request that the processing of your personal data be restricted. If you make such a request, we will prevent you from using certain functionalities or services, the use of which will involve the processing of data covered by the request, until your request is processed. We will also not send you any communications, including marketing ones.
You have the right to request a restriction on the use of your personal data in the following cases:

  • when you question the correctness of your personal data – then we will limit its use for the time needed to verify the correctness of your data, but no longer than for 7 days;
  • when the processing of your data is unlawful, and instead of deleting the data, you request a restriction on its use;
  • when your personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or used, but you need it to establish, assert, or defend claims;
  • when you have objected to the use of your data – then the restriction occurs for the time needed to consider whether, due to your particular situation, the protection of your interests, rights, and freedoms outweighs the interests we pursue by processing your personal data.

Right of access to data

You have the right to obtain from us confirmation of whether we are processing your personal data, and if this is the case, you have the right:

  • to obtain access to your personal data;
  • to obtain information about the purposes of processing, categories of personal data being processed, recipients or categories of recipients of such data, the planned period of storing your data, or the criteria for determining this period (when it is not possible to determine the planned period of data processing), about your rights under GDPR and the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority, about the source of such data, about automated decision-making, including profiling, and the safeguards applied in connection with the transfer of this data outside the European Union;
  • to obtain a copy of your personal data.

Right to rectify data

You have the right to rectify and correct the personal data provided by you. You can do this yourself by making the necessary changes in the administration panel. As part of this right, you can also request us to correct the data we hold, if it contains errors or inaccuracies, and to supplement or update your data if it is incomplete or has changed in any way.

Right to data portability

You have the right to obtain your personal data that you provided to us and then send it to another personal data administrator of your choice. You also have the right to request that the personal data be sent by us directly to such an administrator, if technically possible.
We will send your personal data in the form of a CSV file. The CSV format is a commonly used, machine-readable format that allows the received data to be sent to another personal data administrator.

How you can exercise your rights

To exercise any of your rights, please send an email to:
Remember that before we exercise your rights, we will need to identify you appropriately.


This Website, like most websites, uses cookies. Cookies:

  • are stored in the memory of your device (computer, telephone, etc.);
  • do not cause any changes in the settings of your device.

This Website uses cookies for the following purposes:

  • remembering your session;
  • statistical purposes;
  • marketing purposes;
  • making the Website functionalities available.

To learn how to manage cookies, including how to disable them in your browser, you can use the help file of your browser. You can read this information by pressing F1 in your browser. In addition, you will find relevant tips on the following pages, depending on the browser you use:

Cookies will not be processed by us for more than 1 year from your last visit to the Website.

Using the appropriate options in your browser, you can at any time:

  • delete cookies,
  • block the use of cookies in the future.

In such cases, we will no longer process them.
You can find more information about cookies on Wikipedia.


We use the services of external entities that support us in our operations. We entrust them with the processing of your data – these entities process data only on our documented instructions.
Below you will find a list of recipients of your data:

every action related to the Website hosting provider does not occur
entity providing us with technical/IT support does not occur
persons cooperating with us based on civil law contracts, supporting our ongoing activities does not occur
operator of the online trading platform does not occur
browsing the Website with settings allowing for marketing activities entity providing marketing services does not occur
browsing the Website with settings allowing for analytical activities entity enabling analytical activities on the site does not occur
using free services available on the Website accounting office does not occur
payment provider does not occur
provider of standard office software (including email) does not occur
subscription to the newsletter or consent to receive marketing messages entity providing the newsletter or marketing messages service does not occur
using services provided to us in connection with the Website by social media platforms social media platforms does not occur
contacting us (e.g., asking a question) provider of standard office software (including email) does not occur